22 October 2010

News from Nelson - October 2010

Hi everyone,

Wow, October rolled around very quickly, and we have now been in the house for six very pleasant months.

Jan is now practicing for his next Nelson Symphony concert, 'Scottish Connections' in November, just after he has finished his Applied Management paper. Check out the programme at http://www.nso.org.nz/. He was considering enrolling in a Shostakovich Pro Am concert for February, but has decided not to, so that he can concentrate on getting the electrical work finished around the house.

I have the possibility of gaining some funding for getting my case studies published, so need to look into that. I am not sure it will come to anything, as it is a contestable fund, but it is definitely worth investigating.

As I mentioned last time, our garage still needs another day's work of emptying out tools into the workshop to fit my car into it. However, Jan's highest priority has been his paper, and rightly so. I thought about moving the arm-load sized things myself, but there are a couple of barriers to that; there is a lot of stuff that needs to be moved around inside his workshop - or stored in the back of the garage, like the double-bed base - before the armloads can be delivered into it; and as this is Jan's workshop, I am a bit reluctant to make decisions on where things need to go. It will happen soon enough, I am sure.

Our inside house worklist remains much the same, but we have created a master list of things which need to be done outside as well. Cool, if you can't get your job list done, just add to it!  However, we have drafted a very rough plan of how we will plant around the house. Jan & I have diametrically opposed philosophies about planting - he wants everything a long way away so no debris gets into the gutters, I want some trees and shrubs close by to frame the view and create pools of shade. So we have compromised, in that he gets nothing planted close by the house (!) but the view is framed by planting. Although our result is not exciting, I think it will do for now. We also didn't want any lawns, but we have a great material available here, made of crushed shell, which is in shades of cream, fawn and gold, will pack to form a firm base, and will mulch down over time.

Justine has been here in New Zealand for a short holiday, and came to Nelson for five days, leaving last Wednesday. Betty & Peter came down for the first few days as well, and we had lunch and dinner with them on Saturday. Justine should be meeting Gareth in Shanghai today. While she was here we visited Mapua, Motueka and Nelson and went to as many of the art and craft places as are open for the summer already. We met up with John F at the Golden Bear in Mapua for some beers and a burrito, had a roast dinner here - and Yorkshire pudding - with Julie & Murray, went shopping for shoes at Whitwells, had lunch at the Suter and went to the World of Wearable Arts Museum.

Our next confirmed trip away will be to Wellington for Christmas. We are however planning something for our wedding anniversary, but haven't decided what that something is yet. And I still have to get down to Christchurch to see a man about my brain.

Speaking of my brain, I went to see my local 'neurologist' and told him I wanted to try taking one aspirin tablet daily to see if that made a difference to the number of migraines I had. Once I started them I had no migraines for six weeks and two days. I will have to see if the pattern continues to be that good, or if this is an aberration. I had four migraines in August, and prior to going away to Europe on holiday, I had 6 on average a month. I was doing some reading that women who had more than two migraines a month were four times more likely to have a stroke, so anything that can reduce the occurrence would be good. It would also be nice if the magic bullet could be something with as few side effects as aspirin.

And if you want to see what the weather is like from our place, go to http://www.takeabreak.co.nz/accommodation/nelson.asp?cam=4 and click on the Neudorf Vineyards webcam. Our house is almost EXACTLY dead centre in that image, between the poplars and the willow, just over the first ridge. You can see Lynn Redden's patchy pine trees on our boundary. Drag your mouse from left to right to see how the day went in our neck of the woods :-)

Happy birthday to Barb, who hits the big 4-0 today :-)

Take care & alles liebe!

 Sam & Jan

Sam & Jan

Sam & Jan

1 comment:

Tutors in USA said...

Terrific way of expressing those things in your post. Clear cut meanings.
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