18 August 2009

News from Nelson - August 2009

Hi all,

Once more we are busy, busy. Jan has been helping out with underwater hockey juniors on a casual basis; getting college students interested in having a crack at the sport. We are heading out to the Ngawhatu pool tonight to give some tyros a taste.

John has arrived back from his travels and has picked up Bonnie. Coco is now at a bit of a loose end without her friend to play with every second of the day; however, it is a lot less 'busy' for everyone else living in the house! She & Fliss are now playing more, which they didn't get to do while Bonnie was here.

We are going out to see Leigh this Friday coming to open & view the tenders. That will be an interesting process.

We have had our window quotes in - ranging from $37k to $131k. At this stage we think we will go with German windows (though I am still not entirely convinced with the whole 'opening inwards' thing, I think I can live with them. We don't have that many windows, and I do like the sturdiness of them). Being able to fit this style of window will be one condition of the tender for awarding our tender.

Jan is working with Paul Bow (one of his electricians from NPIL) on planning the electrical wiring for the house so we can order the components. We are coming down for Warren's birthday party, but will, while we are in Chch, be going to visit all the electrical and lighting places open on a Saturday and Sunday to see if we can make some choices on lights etc. There is not much choice in Nelson, and neither of us is very inspired by what we have seen.

NMIT have asked me to consider teaching another paper next year, on Research Methods. It sounds really interesting, and, as the build will be over by then, I would like to consider it. I am currently trying to really push on with the two CAT papers I am currently doing; being all too aware of the build process about to start. I am half-way through both the papers, and am maybe a third of the way through the RPL process.

Jan's work has now trimmed back to normal, which is great. He has been heading off to see some the Mako's Rugby games with Gary Rae, which he has been enjoying too.

Jan's orchestra has been in the paper, as they gave a charity concert a couple of weeks ago. He is also in another concert this weekend with the Nelson Civic Choir and Waimea College.

Our next trips away are two in September: Chch 11-13 to Warren's 40th and then Wllg 25-28 for Otto's birthday. No more trips for the rest of this year.

Right - I had better get back to my real work. Take care & alles liebe!

Sam & Jan