28 October 2009

News from Nelson – October 2 2008

Hi all,

We have been flat out in the past few weeks; I don't think our feet have touched ground. Just a few notes & then I will update you properly in a few weeks as things are just too busy right now!

   Jan has been taking Coco to Dog Agility & she loves it (photo).

   We have our Brazillian exchange student, Ana Sylvia, with us now. She is wonderful! She heads back to Brazil on Boxing Day.

   Sold some stuff on Trademe to make room in the garage for the new motorbike, so we could sell the old & clear out the spare room so we could fit Ana in!

   We caught up with Warren & Trace & Erica in Marlborough last Sunday of Labour Weekend which was fab

   Christél & Ray got married - pix at http://www.flickr.com/photos/29854470@N04//show/

   Tessa & her new girlfriend Helen were up in Nelson this last weekend & we had dinner with them

   We are both largely recovered from our colds

   Next holiday will be heading over to Golden Bay for our Anniversary while Ana Sylvia does the Milford Track

   Brigitte & John are coming to visit at the end of November

   Otto, Jeremy & Tina are coming to visit on Boxing Day.

Take care & alles liebe!

Sam & Jan

20 October 2009

News from Nelson - October 2009

Hi all,

Boy, it has been wet here. October is usually a rainy spring month, but 2009 is doing us proud. It has rained so much that the build is already ten days to a couple of weeks behind. We have footings dug (which will hopefully be concreted today, weather permitting), and some volclay - waterproofing membrane - down in the garage, and the garage pad poured, but the builder hasn't started the garage blockwork yet (rain delays).

We have put the lights and power sockets into the shed, so have actual power, which was quite exciting. Jan has also hooked up the header tank system so that the water from the 25,000 litre rainwater tank gets pumped up the hill into our thousand litre header tank so give us some water pressure. While it isn't the equivalent of mains pressure, it will be fine.

I think we have come to a date that we can both live with to move out to the land - the third week of November. I am really conscious of not trying to get too stressed or make my workload too heavy at the moment, and I think Jan will manage to live with the later date. If all other things go very smoothly, we might be OK to move in the second week.

We have come back to our original decision to rent the house out as a summer holiday rental. That means we can leave most of our furniture, some of our pictures, some books and half our equipment at Montrose Drive, lock up the rest of our gear down in the garage, and only have to take our clothes & personal items with us to the land. That means we don't have to buy a container & pack it to store at the land - our gear will be a lot safer from rodents, damp and other un-natural catastrophes at Montrose Drive.

Then we can move our gear more or less straight into the new house at the end of summer, which will make our lives a lot easier - and a LOT less stressful.

I have managed to source some tiles for the house, and am currently trying to get samples of all our handles - door, window, drawer, cupboard - to check that our chosen options look consistent throughout the house (and feel good to use). I put together the design for the shelving unit for the end of the lounge with Jan & Merrill (see attached). We are just waiting for a quote for that from the joiners. The bank has given us a magnificent floating rate mortgage (!!!). We have ordered nearly all the bathroom gear, but I am still to sort out getting quotes for the showers, and am thinking about all the finer details and making a list to advise the builder.

We are both relatively well - Jan has had a bit of a cough, but at last it is going. He bought some sour cherry juice and is taking that once a day. It is supposed to be intensely good for you - these things are always worth a try.

After the stroke I was getting a lot of migraines, but they have tapered off, which is a relief. I have managed to get an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow; I started ringing up his office at the hospital last week and leaving messages asking for an appointment. I figured if I was polite and persistent they would want to get rid of me - and this strategy has apparently worked. I have had my cholesterol tests back (slightly higher than my last tests - was 4.5 now 5; LDL was 2.7 now 3.2), clear echocardiogram & carotid arteries. So that's all good.

The Nelson Art Festival started on Friday night, and we have been to two events so far; we went to see The Butler (a piece inspired by The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, played by acting / acrobatic troupe from Lyttleton) again, which was fantastic, and Le Sud (a 'what if' play presuming that the French had colonised the South Island, the English the North Island; and the negotiation of power - aka electricity - between the two). Both excellent performances. We paid for our tickets for the festival way back in July when we felt flush. I am glad of that, because now we feel poor, but still get to have a 'last splurge'!

Magda has been away in Holland for five weeks, but got back last week. We had a really good catch up last night - she had a great time. I am glad to have my tennis partner back again though :-)

Happy birthday, Trace - we still haven't managed to get to talk to you in person, but hopefully will catch up with you, Warren, Erica and Jen L this weekend (all things being equal).

We will also be having a 'painting party' in February-ish (whenever as the plastering is completed), if there are any volunteers who want to come & wield a roller or cutting brush for a day or two or three to help us out. We have a LOT of area to paint, but will crank up the BBQ and open the wine cellar. Everything will be matt white too - and the floor, kitchen, skirtings won't be in yet - so it will be relatively easy. And as previously mentioned, we are aiming for a housewarming in April; exact date to be advised.

Take care & alles liebe!

Sam & Jan