31 July 2013

Te Waipounamu

Hi all,
Saw a great little article today about naming the islands in which we live here in Aotearoa New Zealand. The North Island looks likely to be officially named in Māori Te Ika-a-Maui (the fish of Maui), and the South, Te Waipounamu (the greenstone waters). Pretty cool, I reckon, and about time.

Read more at http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/8985750/Naming-day-close-for-NZs-main-islands

28 July 2013

News from Nelson - July 2 2013

Hi all,
A quick update on what we have been doing in the past few weeks.

This weekend we went to see Te Radar's Antarcticana, a monologue with pictures on Antarctic exploration, which was really fun. He speaks very well.

Jan hired a digger this weekend, and now the big pile of dirt that was waiting to cover over the water tanks IS covering the water tanks. This means that the next stage of the house can take place: getting a clothes line! Yay!

Coco is missing Fliss, we think, though Bonnie seems to have not noticed anything amiss. 

We have felt a few of the earthquakes that have been plaguing Seddon (poor beggars - the ground has been shaking under them for a fortnight now). We were at home, and Jan was watching a film, when the 6.8 one struck. It went on for a long time too, and neither Jan nor I knew whether it was going to get worse, so didn't know whether we should rush outside or not. Jan checked in with the Welly family, but everyone seemed to be OK. All good.

Last weekend Sharon & Ian came to stay, and we watch lots of movies, Sharon won the pool tournament, and we had food for Africa. Nibbles that the dogs have now eaten up the leftovers of, and - of course - waffles for breakfast on Sunday morning. 

I cooked a roast chicken and winter roast veges that night, but there was so much left over (because everyone filled up on nibbles), that we couldn't have eaten it before it had passed its use-by date, so I made stock from the chicken carcass and made roast chicken & vege soup. It was the most stellar soup I think I have made this year.

That same weekend we went to visit Gary & Nic at their new place in Marahau, and luckily Nic fed us soup and bread, combined with a lovely long walk along the Marahau waterfront. I think we would have died if we had been faced with too much more food!

We caught up with Jen L in May, at her folks place in 88 Valley, which was great. I got a few shots of a brief walkabout we did, none of which I had posted, so have one here:

We picked up some tiny paintings at the Suter Art Auction a few weeks ago, and, along with some other pictures we have, have put them all up on the wall in the front loo...

It is very nice as they also reflect in the mirror. The big one in the middle was given to us as a thank you for taking the Rotary kids through the far north. It is Jan & I sitting on the beach at Tapotupotu Bay looking out to sea (and sneakily taken by one of the exchange students).

I was also awarded our Rotary club's annual Fred Coe award for a bit of service above self at our change-over, which was a total surprise. Fred is one of our members who unexpected died a few years ago, and his wife donated this perpetual challenge trophy in his memory, and presents it each year to the recipient. The trophy is a streaked rainbow glass creation:

We also farewelled Karin, who headed back home to Sweden - very briefly - because she is going to a drama school course in London early next month, and will be staying with Justine in Willesden Green. Love to see those connections start to be made!

I dropped some baking into the vets to thank Jonathan for driving all the way out to our place to put Fliss down, and they were very grateful (as were we!) for that small gesture. And enjoyed baking that two gluten intolerant vet nurses could eat (added bonus of all my cooking lacking ordinary wheat flour).

I have been having a bit of a baking binge lately - I had to supply the raffle prize at Rotary a couple of weeks ago, and made a batch of shortbread and a banana cake. I was a bit worried that the raffle winner would have thought that home baking was a bit of a cheat, but they seemed quite chuffed, and said the whole office enjoyed it. I enjoy the process of baking, and it is great to have it eaten up by others!

I have just had conditional approval provided on my Masters human participants ethics committee application. I haven't gone through all the little tweaks that they want me to make yet, but will tomorrow. Phew: it is a relief to have that largely done. I have written one of my long cases for my experiments on my students later this semester, and am half-way through the second. My other lecturers are all on board, and I am nearly ready for the major part of the work. Time has gone amazingly fast.

Kathleen & Frits & Amy are coming out next weekend for a mid-winter Christmas celebration, which should be fun. And there will be too much to eat then, I am sure. Thank goodness for freezers, eh.

Jan has his next concert (the Children's Concert) coming up in two weeks, so will be out at rehearsals a bit. He goes in November to the US to the big Trade Show he is attending there. Because I will be teaching my final classes and marking here for the end of the semester and the graduation of my students, I will stay home (though I am also supposed to be attending a CDANZ meeting during that same time, I think we may decide keep things simple).

My next trip overseas will be to Rarotonga in April for my brother's wedding - along with Jan, of course! We booked our tickets and accommodation today, so we are all sorted for that. I will be in Welly another time or two this year, and in Christchurch for four days in the middle of October - 17-20 - for a Careers Symposium and CDANZ AGM - Jan is coming with me, so we hope to catch up with all you Canty guys whom we haven't seen for ages.

Right - that will do for now. Back to you in a bit & hope you are all keeping well

Jan & Sam

15 July 2013

News from Nelson - July 2013

Hi all,
A sad catch up this time, as Jan & I had to have Fliss put to sleep on the weekend.

We had her at the vet only a week ago, and Jonathan had said that we would try some different meds, but said that if we were not in the top 10% of owners, she wouldn't have gone home from the vets that day. Jan wasn't ready to let her go, though, and we came home with her to try a few more things. However, she only got to Wednesday before we realised that she was really going downhill quickly, and we arranged for Jonathan to come out home on the weekend to send her on her last big sleep. However, despite that, she had got pneumonia on Thursday and by Saturday had almost put herself to sleep.

We have buried her next to Drew in the garden, with a baby Lancewood (Horoeka) on her grave. For all the non-Kiwis, see them at http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/lancewood,tree/Interesting).

Both Jan & I were very quiet over the weekend, just pottered around at home and watched some films, and remembered her. She had been my friend for 13 years.

Her life in pictures below. Her birthday:

Four weeks
One year:
Five, with Drew:

Seven, with Coco:

With Bonnie:
And with Coco again:
Nine at the mudflats with Coco & Bonnie:
And on the Atawhai reserve (Jan in delightful shorts):

At Montrose Drive:
With Jimmy in Chch:
Is it dinner time?
At Montrose Drive with Coco:
At the land:

Last year, with Bonnie:
And with Camila:
And Camila on the day she left to go home (Bonnie, Coco & Fliss):
In April, in the rubbish bin!
Last day, Saturday 13 June 2013:

We have ordered a canvas to put up in the office of one of our wedding photos that had both Fliss & Drew in it. 

That's it for today - I will post some more news a bit later on.

Hope you are all well.

Jan & Sam