That left Bonnie on her own with us, until John got back from the UK. For me, it is the first time in thirty years that there is no dog in the house (for Jan only 15 years). It is very, very quiet.
I am loving my teaching, having taught pretty much a full time load in 2015. I am still seeing career clients, but have not been doing much management consultancy. I am teaching leadership, sports communications, and supervising Year 3 students in their capstone management projects. It is this latter that I so enjoy: guiding students through their research topic, question-formulation and project planning. I think we all love the process - the students as well as myself (though I think the students mostly enjoy it through their rear-vision mirrors!).
I have stepped away from most of my voluntary and community involvements. The Communications Director's role for CDANZ which I have held for the past four years came to an end this year, as I stepped of the Exec at the AGM in November.
The reason for this is that I am planning on diving back into the Post-grad pond, and doing my PhD. Better than that, though, AUT Sports Leadership programme have asked me to undertake a bit of research, and they are paying. I have supervisors. I don't have to do any pre-doc courses, as I my Masters was apparently already at doctoral level (what pulled it down was the lack of findings of 'global significance'). So I am hard at 'think' (not 'work'... yet), trying to nut out what my question should be to fit their topic of "Changing the conversation around sports leadership using case study"... which builds on my Master's work. And planning. And curating materials. And putting together research lists.
So I am as happy as a sandboy.
However, that makes only one of us.
Jan is unsettled at work, as there has been some restructuring at the end of June and, along with a few others, his role has been dropped down a level, with the introduction of a new COO, and the splitting of his old boss's role into two: one now production-oriented, and one engineering-oriented.
Jan's new boss - the new "GM Engineering" has (a) no management skills, and (b) no engineering knowledge, so the appointment of this numpty is pretty bewildering. Mind you, he does know how to glad-hand pretty well, is great at undermining others, could put a gloss on a ...er... brown log-shaped thing, and can run-up a yarn like a true-blue car salesman.
What other skills could you possibly need to manage the engineering requirements of a multi-million dollar facility?
As a result, Jan is really struggling. Not sure what will happen yet. I don't know if a job move is going to be on the cards, either here, nationally or internationally, or if he will stay. It has been good that John is back in NZ as they has been talking a lot about the whats, hows, whys and wherefores. No idea what will come of all the talk. So watch this space.
We are on a tight budget at present, busily paying off our mortgage as fast as we can so as to give ourselves more choices when Jan starts reaching some conclusions. I hope that he doesn't feel that we have to move away, as I am so enjoying my work... but we are a team, and the team stays together.
We will see what turns up.
Our families appear fit and well, so that is all good.
Earlier in the year, we caught up with Janet & Robert up in Auckland. Justine was home for a few weeks in mid-winter, so we caught up with her. Magda and David got engaged this year, then got married in Christchurch at the end of November. We went down to celebrate with them, and had a great time. We stayed with Jenny L, and also caught up with the Boots, Bertie and Dan & Rochelle.
Please let us know when you are coming to Nelson next. We would love to see you all.
All the best for the New Year break!
Jan & Sam
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