15 July 2013

News from Nelson - July 2013

Hi all,
A sad catch up this time, as Jan & I had to have Fliss put to sleep on the weekend.

We had her at the vet only a week ago, and Jonathan had said that we would try some different meds, but said that if we were not in the top 10% of owners, she wouldn't have gone home from the vets that day. Jan wasn't ready to let her go, though, and we came home with her to try a few more things. However, she only got to Wednesday before we realised that she was really going downhill quickly, and we arranged for Jonathan to come out home on the weekend to send her on her last big sleep. However, despite that, she had got pneumonia on Thursday and by Saturday had almost put herself to sleep.

We have buried her next to Drew in the garden, with a baby Lancewood (Horoeka) on her grave. For all the non-Kiwis, see them at http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/lancewood,tree/Interesting).

Both Jan & I were very quiet over the weekend, just pottered around at home and watched some films, and remembered her. She had been my friend for 13 years.

Her life in pictures below. Her birthday:

Four weeks
One year:
Five, with Drew:

Seven, with Coco:

With Bonnie:
And with Coco again:
Nine at the mudflats with Coco & Bonnie:
And on the Atawhai reserve (Jan in delightful shorts):

At Montrose Drive:
With Jimmy in Chch:
Is it dinner time?
At Montrose Drive with Coco:
At the land:

Last year, with Bonnie:
And with Camila:
And Camila on the day she left to go home (Bonnie, Coco & Fliss):
In April, in the rubbish bin!
Last day, Saturday 13 June 2013:

We have ordered a canvas to put up in the office of one of our wedding photos that had both Fliss & Drew in it. 

That's it for today - I will post some more news a bit later on.

Hope you are all well.

Jan & Sam


Unknown said...

Great photos of a good and happy life of memories and experiences with Flissie, Sam..

It's never easy dealing with the absence when a loved companion moves on..
I know how you're feeling and share in it with you..

Thanks for being great carers for Bonnie. The should bottle your blood.. :-)



Unknown said...

Great photos of a good and happy life of memories and experiences with Flissie, Sam..

It's never easy dealing with the absence when a loved companion moves on..
I know how you're feeling and share in it with you..

Thanks for being great carers for Bonnie. The should bottle your blood.. :-)

