03 July 2012

News from Nelson – July 2012

Hi all,
Wow – where did the time go?

It seems like two minutes ago that we went to Germany, and here we are back again already. The partly-completed flip book of all our trip images can be viewed by clicking on the link “Deutschlandreise2012” to the right (we are still waiting for photos from our Kassel visit to be emailed to us).

Jan’s grandmother, Oma Lieselotte, is relatively OK, and still has a good sense of humour and a quick turn of wit. The second day there Omi was very ill, confused, and uncertain not only of who everyone else was, but who she was and where she was. However, the House Doctor came and found that she was retaining fluid. She had an injection and has other meds to control this in future. By the next day she was fine – relatively – again, and had her sense of humour back.

Uta is undertaking all her care, and very good care that is too, but it is hard on Uta. I know that Uta wants to do it, but the workload isn’t light, and it goes on day in, day out. However, Uta does have some good friends who help as well.

Jan spent a lot of time helping Uta and spending time with Omi. He also went through and photographed all the pages of the family book that his Grandfather had researched, so he has a record.

Eberhard took me to a Rotary lunch, where the Rotary Club of Ulm-Donaubrücke had a tour of the Ulrich Medical plant. It was extremely interesting. However, I was presented with a Rotary flag, and hadn’t brought one of Whakatu’s with me (!). Last Friday at  Rotary I officially presented the Ulm-Donaubrücke flag to my club, and was given one to send back – the next job on the list today. Jan & I also met Eberhard’s new partner, Monika, and had dinner with them at one of the old restaurants in the Fischerviertel. They have an apartment on the top floor of one of the buildings nearby, with a lovely shared garden for the building, near the old city walls.

Jan & I did a few walks around the Donau and through the parks. Uta & I did a bit of shopping, and I managed to get some presents for people and get some Lebkuchen to bring home. Mmmm.

I also spent a day with Justine in München, which was just great! Justine flew over from London to München on Saturday morning, and stayed until Sunday morning. I took the train from Ulm to München and we met at the railway station. We had a lovely time, drinking coffee, looking at museums and choosing food at the markets. What more could we want?! Well, more time, obviously, but other than that, it was great. I had a fabulous day, and got back tired on the train at 9pm. However, as Thomas & Bettina had arrived, we stayed up talking, but I slept like the dead when I finally got into bed.

Thomas, Bettina and Svenja came to stay for our last weekend in Ulm , so Jan got to spend time with them on Saturday while I was away. But sadly Thomas got sick on the Sunday morning, and had to stay in bed, which was horrible for him. Svenja showed Jan & I how playing should be done with the trampoline and the swing though :-)

We had a brief visit with Simone, Michael and Andreas, who kindly had us to stay on the first night in Langen. We also caught up very briefly with Katrin O in Eppingen on our way to Ulm; and with Gerhard and Claudia, Ernst and Karin, in Kassel, for coffee, before we headed back to the Edersee. We visited Oma Friedel four times, staying with Anne & Herbert for a couple of nights. We also caught up briefly with Dieter and Gudrun. We also stayed on the last night with Achim, Katrin, Mariella and Holger, which was great. We got a walk in the woods with them and a fantastic lunch at the Limes to send us homeward again. 

Sadly we missed Oli & Katrin as they were in France at the same time we were in Germany. We also didn’t get to meet their new Beardie puppy, Barney, as he was with them. Next time!

Since we have got back, we have briefly caught up with Kathleen & Frits, who have been as busy as we have. We are trying to catch up so we can all talk about our various trips and compare notes.

Congratulations to Adrian & Bridget on the birth of Matthew. Happy birthdays to my mother, John H, Colin C, Aunty Jill, Jörg, Thomas, Fleur, and Kelly M over the next month.

All the best - hope to hear from you all soon!

Jan Kuwilsky & Sam Young

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