29 March 2012

News from Nelson – March 2 2012

Hi all,
Sorry not to email you all to say that I had posted an update: this news is 'old' news!

Jan’s grandmother, Oma Lieselotte, seems to be recovering a little. Hartmut has updated us regularly on progress. Brigitte and John are back from Germany, and we will be seeing them next weekend at her birthday celebration. We will be able to also catch up with Jörg, as he will be there too, as will Tanja.

I have had a cold, a real stonker of one. It arrived on Saturday night when we were in Sydney. I managed to get through until Monday afternoon before I finally had to give up and go to bed, officially ‘sick’. I got up on Friday (yesterday)! However, although I am coughing and my nose is still a bit blocked, I feel reasonably normal again now. I think that is my first cold in a bit over a year, so that’s not too bad.

We had a fairly good time in Sydney – it rained on the Saturday, but it didn’t impinge too much on our plans. The hotel - Sebel Pier One - was a good one, Jan’s stamina for the Art Gallery was fairly good, but our restaurant got changed. Est, the restaurant we were booked to go to, said they wouldn’t honour their promissory voucher, so we got changed to an Italian restaurant (Intermezzo). It was OK, but not what we were expecting. We did some shopping though, and lots of walking. The hotel had really good quality fittings etc.

Tonight the Nelson Symphony Orchestra has a concert, but I won’t be in the audience: it is also my brother’s engagement party. He & Donna are planning on getting married sometime in the next couple of years in Rarotonga. The whole family will be there, aside from Jan, who will be at the concert.

The Long Lunch at Kahurangi Winery was great fun, and we met the Peckhams there, who live in Neudorf Road, and make the most divine cider. We hope to see more of them!

The Rotary North Island trip is coming closer – just another couple of weeks now until Easter. I will update you all again afterwards.
Happy birthdays to Duncan, Dilani, Murray, Birthe & Gerhard.

All the best - hope to hear from you all soon!

Jan Kuwilsky & Sam Young

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