Hi everyone,
No probs for us with the storms, but quite a few Nelson and Tasman people
got stickered. Most were told they were OK or not on the 23rd, so many were
allowed back in to their houses for Christmas, which was great (Kel & Dunc, Ellie & Greg). I think there
is still about 40 houses which are still red stickered. Horrible for their
owners, but I think the councils have been appropriately cautious. The Chch
experience has provided a good assessment process, and many of the Nelson &
Tasman staff have helped out in Chch so are well aware of how that process
should work. Logging and land clearance was the cause of a lot of the slips :-(I am teaching summer school, and so went from finishing one course to starting another over a weekend. I started with over 100 students, but this has whittled down to 80 as they have found the course a lot more demanding than they thought. The course runs in just under half the time as a 'normal' semester (the same learning packed into seven weeks over summer as is normally delivered in 15). My new tutorial assistant is going well, and coping with the workload, so that’s all good.
In addition, I am trying to get a head-start on my Masters study, and am finding that quite hard to get onto with everything else that is going on.
Jan’s search for an Electrical
Engineer continues – no bites still. In the New Year he has some different
tactics to apply, and will see if they net any results.
We had a lovely Christmas Eve celebration with Tina & Jeremy, Otto & Lara. They have come to stay for ten days or so, On Christmas day, my folks, my brother and my sister were all here for the first time in ages. We had a very relaxing day with a BBQ and salads (and Christmas cake, of course!), except for poor Tina, who had a cold. Uncle Norman was not well enough to make it, which was pity, and Tessa couldn’t come down as she has damaged her knee.
John has escaped and headed up north to house sit for a friend for ten days. However, in a couple of days Tanja arrives with Lars and a friend of hers, Adrian (whom we haven’t met yet). So we will have a house full!
We have caught up with Jenny L who is at her folk’s place over Christmas, and hope to see Megan, Sam & Moose and Gary & Karen whom we think are all in Nelson for the break too.
Jan & I are up in Welly for the weekend of the 10th of Feb, and yes, it would be great to catch up with anyone who is around. We will be flying over but should be able to borrow one of Tina or Jeremy's cars so will be somewhat mobile. We have a few trips to Welly planned next year.
Also a party at our place on
New Year’s eve – about 6pm onwards. BBQ, BYO. All welcome :-)
Right – I think that’s all
for now, aside from wishing all the party season’s birthday people a wonderful coming
year: Gareth, Christél, Wayne, Christian, and Jennie.
Catch you all again soon.
Alles liebe!
Jan Kuwilsky & Sam Young
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