16 November 2011

News from Nelson – November 2011

Hi everyone,

A short one this time. Wow, spring is hustling along, and we are nearly heading into summer! It has been quite changeable though – this month we have had to pay $13 for power, as we haven’t had enough consistently fine weather to net off our usage; and of course we have used a bit more power than usual, as John has been staying with us too.

And double-wow, we have applied for an inspector to come and sign off the CoC. We are expecting someone to come out in the next couple of weeks, with our builder, so it can all get ticked off formally. That will be good.

Jan’s still looking for the Electrical Engineer – at least the HR firm they have engaged is at last going to contact IPENZ and the Alumni organisations.

Last weekend I went to Wellington for a Career Development Association national executive meeting and AGM, staying overnight with Tina & Jeremy. The meetings weren’t too bad, and it was great to see Otto & Lara (they have both grown so much!). Tina & Jeremy put on a BBQ on Sunday night, and Brigitte & John came along, so we managed to catch up before they head over to Europe for three months. All good.

Jan & I have both been so busy that we haven’t really had a chance to draw breath. Days seem to be whistling past in a slip stream, and we are a bit dazed and confused about exactly where we are. I have been marking like a mad thing, and Jan has been trying to be himself and three others. He also has the added complication this month of having two of his electrical guys away on a commissioning job in Vietnam.

A couple of sad bits of news to relate this time: Jan’s step father, John, had his mother die. She had been unwell for some time, but it is still hard to lose a parent. In addition, a close friend and work colleague of my Father’s, August Vavasovsky, died last Thursday. He had a major stroke.

This Friday we have the Business Awards to go to, so we are staying in Nelson overnight at Trailways. We can leave the Trafalgar Centre, where the shindig is being held, and potter across the footbridge across the Maitai straight to our room. I like that!

Jan & I will be up in Welly on 3, 4 & 5 December. We will be busy with family on Saturday and Monday, but if any of you Hutties etc are around on Sunday, we would love to catch up. Let us know.

Also a party on New Year’s eve – about 6pm onwards. BBQ, BYO. All welcome :-)

Right – I think that’s all for now, aside from wishing all the party season’s birthday people a wonderful coming year: Lara, Jeremy, Donna, Neil, Janet, Jamal, Tina, Murray & Carl.

Eberhard – good luck with your new apartment.

Catch you all again soon.

Alles liebe!

Jan Kuwilsky & Sam Young

07 November 2011

Would you like that with Sauce?

Huddersfield-based James Bamforth was an early English film-maker, photographer and artist. But he is best known for his saucy postcards, often featuring very buxom ladies with ...double entendres. The cards he created were largely sold as seaside postcards.

Often pushing right  to the boundaries of British censors, the Bamforth postcards started in 1910 but became incredibly popular in the 1930s, selling up to 16 million cards per annum.

The Bamforth business folded in 1988, and was purchased printing firm Dennis, which later also collapsed. In 2001, Ian Wallace, businessman, bought what remained for Bamforth and the rights to over 50,000 postcards images

Now in 2010, a century since Bamforth's cards first started titillating senders and receivers, the Bamforth images are set to make a comeback. Firmly entrenched in the Benny Hill and Carry On vein, Mr Wallace is hoping that these classic cheeky cartoons, featuring kilt-wearing Scotsmen, topless sunbathers, hen-pecked husbands and Junoesque women are likely to soon be appearing on mugs, mouse mats and boxer shorts. 

Read the Yorkshire Post's original story at http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/around-yorkshire/local-stories/let_s_smile_again_as_famous_postcards_are_revived_1_2596857