Hi everyone,
Hopefully you are all fit & well?
We have had a few probs of late; for example, Jan dislocated his finger at Volleyball. He decided, after having snapped it back in himself, then getting all light-headed and having to lie down for a bit, that he might take a week off. Bear in mind that this was the first time he had played volleyball in the better part of two decades.
So after he went back to playing again after a fortnight off, he thought the ouchiness of it deserved an outing to the physio; who promptly told him that he needed to rest it for six weeks at least. Jan was also told that he needed to remember that he was not so young any more.Needless to say with a flag like that one, he was back playing the week after. And his finger still hurts :-)
As for me, I appear to have what is known in local parlance as a fibroid, and will be having a chat to a specialist to have it removed once said specialist gets back from his lovely, long European summer holiday. My GP thinks I will definitely need abdominal surgery, so I will keep you posted.
So, we have been keeping busy. I have only 10% of my diploma in career guidance to go (can see the end!), but I have started negotiating my Masters programme, to start next March. I have a supervisor, and a rough thesis. More on that as it comes to hand too.
Jan has started on his Certificate in Horticulture, and has been going just down the street from Nelson Pine to do all his courses. It is very convenient for him… and I am so glad I didn’t do it – I would have been like a one armed paper-hanger trying to fit that in as well. He had to miss a pruning exam this weekend just gone as they were rained out (and boy, did it rain!).
Montrose Drive still looks great. Our tenant is still asking for little projects – he is currently putting in new drainage core and gravel behind the spa room. We need to go & buy some more cobble-stones for the spa room – but then they will probably install them for us!
Ellie’s Dad died last week, which was really sad. The funeral is today. Big zen thoughts going her way!
I have just finished nearly all my marking – I only have 13 exams still to grade, which are being sat tomorrow, and even my moderation for one paper has gone out for external review. Because of the surgery threat, I am trying to get everything ready even earlier than normal for next semester, as it sounds as though I might be out of action for a month (surely I can still do computer work though…? Anyway, we will play it by ear). I have everything ready to go for most of my papers for next semester, so I might send everything to the print shop this week so I can’t tinker, either.
Next semester I have 140 virtual Leadership students, some flesh Leadership students; some video-linked Marlborough and some flesh Applied Management project students; and some flesh Sports Communication students. I have told Nic about my possible surgery, and he thinks we will be able to work it all out. All good.
We volunteered at the Founders Book Fair, and had a hoot (and I bought some books); but we didn’t get to go to Shelley & Kevin’s because Jan dislocated his finger! Dawn equally cancelled her land-warming party out at the Glen because it was far too soggy for a bonfire to light, so hopefully we will get to catch up soon.
Speaking of rain, it has been raining rather a lot here. We went into Nick & Gary's the other night for a great night of pizza, wine, rugby and their Vietnam photo shots, and got stuck on the Nelson side of the first ford at midnight for an hour or so, waiting for the river to come down enough so we could cross it (doesn't it look tiny in the daylight? You can see the tide-mark as to where the water was though - and it was swift, and full of logs...). And it STILL kept raining.
Wendy & Gerry has had a wee girl (congrats, congrats!). All are well - and will probably be out adventure racing in five minutes! Tina is now officially a Kiwi (congrats doubled!). Our buddies in Christchurch are coping with the shakes (and double-triple-quadruple congrats to them).
Speaking of rain, it has been raining rather a lot here. We went into Nick & Gary's the other night for a great night of pizza, wine, rugby and their Vietnam photo shots, and got stuck on the Nelson side of the first ford at midnight for an hour or so, waiting for the river to come down enough so we could cross it (doesn't it look tiny in the daylight? You can see the tide-mark as to where the water was though - and it was swift, and full of logs...). And it STILL kept raining.
Wendy & Gerry has had a wee girl (congrats, congrats!). All are well - and will probably be out adventure racing in five minutes! Tina is now officially a Kiwi (congrats doubled!). Our buddies in Christchurch are coping with the shakes (and double-triple-quadruple congrats to them).
This coming weekend we are off to Christchurch trip for a stay at the Sudima. We hope heaps of you will be able to swing by and have avo tea with us on the Saturday :-)
Happy birthdays in the next few weeks to my mother, William de B, my Aunty Jill, Colin C, John H, Jörg, and Thomas S.
Catch you all again soon.
Alles liebe!
Jan Kuwilsky & Sam Young