15 June 2010

News from Nelson - June 2010

Hi all,

I think we are nearly in the same state of unpacking as we were last time I wrote; we still can't get our cars in the garage and have a bit under half our stuff still in cartons in the cellar & garage. That's because the wiring in the office still isn't finished, which is holding up putting the rest of the furniture in place (so there are still a few cartons of office gear in the garage not yet unpacked), and we still need some shelves in the linen cupboard (so the linen remains unpacked), and, while Michael Bender is about to get the bookshelf completed - so I can unpack the 20-odd cartons of books in the garage - we won't have time to take delivery of it before we leave for our holiday. When we get back from and have a dry weekend, we will move Jan's workshop gear out of the garage & seal the plasterwork outside the garage & in the entrance way. Unfortunately, every weekend there has been rain at night, so the plaster is too damp to seal.

Because we haven't managed to seal our plasterwork, we have decided to flag trying to get our Code of Compliance from the Council until we get back. The builders are going to duct in the range hood and install the stainless steel backing for kitchen hob while we are away. Jan has nearly finished installing the stair tread covering, and we still have to permanently fix the gas bottle for the hob outside. And I found out today that Jan will have to get the exterior lighting installed for our CoC as well. Trying to get that done this week when Jan has orchestra practice tonight & Underwater Hockey tomorrow night would just be madness.

However, the photo voltaics are working well. Despite rainy winter weather, we are currently shipping power back into the grid, and are generating as much power as we are using. It will be really interesting to see how much we generate in summer when we get sun for over fourteen hours each day! If we are going to feed back more than we consume, we may not add any more cells on the roof. Not until NZ gets a much better attitude towards paying for private generation, anyway. There is still a bit of a wait on getting a meter - we are using a borrowed one until our real one arrives.

The dogs love the fireplace! Snuggled up close by each night & cooking in the heat :-)

I have had a couple of trips to the Salvation Army and passed unneeded things onwards for recycling, the next trip is tomorrow. I have sold quite a bit of stuff on TradeMe, and still have a pile of saleable items in my office, waiting now until we get home from holiday.

We are still getting a few visitors (we thought no one would visit us, 40 mins out of town), but Magda has come three times, Dawn & Martin, my folks, Graeme & Julie Pahl, John & Jo, and Neil Murray have all called in. Jan's NSO concert went really well, and was very well received by the audience - nice write up in the Nelson Mail (see image).

We had a stormy day on Saturday & I took some photos east & west of the sky (see photos). We get some lovely views up here.

It will be a busy week for us both still, but we are both working hard to get everything done so we can head away with clear consciences. Jan is still very busy at work. He has no idea what will happen to his projects while he is away, but suspects that things will just not get done. I just sent my moderation pack off for my Leadership paper, and, once my Applied Management marking is finished, need to prepare materials for moderation. My Applied Management paper for next semester has already been set up & sent for printing (phew). However, I still have to get my report written for the Results Committee, as I won't be at the results meeting, and get the first two topics reviewed & printed for my Comms paper, next semester. We get back on the afternoon of Friday the 16th, and I start lecturing the next Tuesday. Not much time to organise anything in between!

I have nearly completed my second-to-last CAT unit; getting some really nice feedback from the tutor, and being told at the end of my presentation that I had passed (being told straight after the end of an assessment is a rarity, he told me). The review panel also gave me some great feedback. I have one more assessment to do, and that is to sit in on an academic review panel, but I can't do that until I am back from Europe. I have one more unit to do, and have just negotiated an independent learning contract for that, to research, write and publish some management case studies (which I was going to do anyway, so get some credit for it). All good, then I will be finished - probably at the end of this year. Yay!

Last Friday my year as Rotary President ended, and I handed over to my successor, Paul Rosanowski. So that is one reasonably big thing off my responsibilities list, which is just fantastic. However, the Chair of the Founders Heritage Park Committee stepped down last week, and nominated me as his successor, which I have accepted and the remainder of the Committee has endorsed (which is a much smaller thing!). I am currently looking for another board appointment, but haven't seen anything that really does it for me yet, and that I can add value to.

We leave for Europe next Monday, for a few days in Paris, where we have an apartment near Le Louvre. In Germany we have 5 days in Freiburg, three with Rainer & Regina, then to Ulm to see Uta and Oma Lieselotte, then Andreas & Katrin, then Holger and family, then to the Edersee for the Schütte family celebrations, Treysa, and lastly Simone & Michael before we fly out. We will catch up with most of the German contingent at the Edersee, which will be fantastic :-)

Magda is house-sitting for us the entire time we are away (awesome person that she is).

Take care & alles liebe!

Sam & Jan